Shell oscilloscope uses 9V DC power supply (the power supply voltage should not exceed 10V! Otherwise it may burn the machine). The kit itself does not include a power supply. Users need to prepare the power supply by themselves, and the power supply current should be able to provide more than 200mA.
Characteristic index:
The highest real-time sampling rate: 1Msps
Precision: 12Bit
Sampling buffer depth: 1024 bytes
Analog bandwidth: 0-200KHz
Vertical sensitivity: 5mV/Div – 20V/Div (in 1-2-5 way)
Adjustable vertical displacement, with instructions
Input impedance: 1MΩ
Maximum input voltage: 50Vpp (1:1 probe), 400Vpp (10:1 probe)
Coupling methods include DC/AC/GND
Horizontal time base range: 10μs/Div – 50s/Div (increase by 1-2-5)
With automatic, conventional and single trigger modes, it is convenient to capture instant waveforms
Can be triggered by rising or falling edge
Trigger level position is adjustable, with indication
Observe the waveform before the trigger (negative delay)
The waveform display can be frozen at any time (HOLD function)
Comes with 1KHz /3.3V square wave test signal source
With digital display of waveform parameters, the parameters that can be displayed are: frequency, period, pulse width, duty cycle, maximum value, minimum value, average value, peak-to-peak value, effective value
Save/recall the waveform, the waveform does not disappear when turned off
packing list:

15001K (SMD components have been welded):
All parts of the shell oscilloscope, the analog board chip components have been welded and tested
BNC fish clip probe
Assembly instructions

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Oscilloscope electronic teaching and training DIY kit

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Vendor:My Store




Shell oscilloscope uses 9V DC power supply (the power supply voltage should not exceed 10V! Otherwise it may burn the machine). The kit itself does not include a power supply....

Regular price $30.00 Sale
